Request for Proposals for WCBDI Annual Retreat Facilitation
5:00 P.M. EDT
August 25, 2021
Submit Proposals (via e-mail) to:
WCBDI Backbone Co-Coordinators:
Qiana Mickie,
Tammy Shapiro,
I. Invitation
The Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative (hereinafter “WCBDI”) hereby solicits proposals for professional services to facilitate WCBDI’s Annual Retreat, resulting in the development and completion of WCBDI’s annual workplan.
Through the WCBDI’s Retreat program, Initiative members discuss strategic issues, submit ideas, develop, and vote on proposals. These activities inform the FY22 workplans for all WCBDI members, and the FY23 budget ask which is submitted to New York City Council for funding consideration as part of the annual budget.
The timeline for this retreat planning includes:
A. RFP Release – August 12, 2021(revised date)
B. RFP Due – August 25th, 2021 at 5 pm EDT (revised date)
C. RFP Review & Selection Phase – August 26th – Sept 1, 2021(revised date)
D. Retreat Agenda Development Phase – September 9th, 10th, September 20- 24th
E. Retreat- September 2021 (Dates TBD) Week of September 28th
F. Evaluation & Debrief – After the Retreat (Dates TBD)
The Facilitator will conduct the feedback and idea collection phase at the same time as agenda development and proposal solicitation, and will work intensively with WCBDI backbone organizations (NYCNoWC and DAWI) and the Equity Committee to create the agenda for the retreat.
This bid request describes the general rules for preparing and submitting proposals and the WCBDI’s requirements for a Retreat Facilitator.
Proposer shall submit a written proposal, which presents the Proposer’s qualifications and ability to meet the specific needs of WCBDI. The proposal should be prepared in a clear, concise manner and should provide all the pertinent information.
Failure to comply with the requirements or to provide the requested information may result in rejection of a proposal.
II. Inquiries
If any proposers have any question regarding the meaning of any part of this request, or finds discrepancies in or omission from this bid request, the proposer shall submit a written request (electronic mail is sufficient) for an interpretation or clarification to WCBDI contact: Qiana Mickie, and Tammy Shapiro, WCBDI’s responses to questions will be included in an Addendum to this request, if necessary, which will be issued and posted to DAWI and NYCNoWC websites respectively: and
III. Objective
WCBDI seeks a qualified Facilitator to guide WCBDI membership through a productive annual retreat. The Facilitator will work along with the Retreat Committee and WCBDI Backbone to develop a focused, goal-oriented retreat agenda. Three distinct, independent, and carefully crafted proposals will be submitted to the full WCBDI membership for review by the end of August. The goal is to have the Retreat within the month of September.
IV. Scope of Work and Proposals for Services
The scope of work and proposals for services should be provided with the proposer’s submittal which outlines the services anticipated. The precise scope of services to be incorporated into the Written Agreement will be based upon the submitted proposal and may be the subject of negotiations between WCBDI and the successful proposer.
A scope of work shall include:
A. Attend and participate in 2- 2 hour meetings in August and September 2021. Facilitation of meetings includes the following:
1) Ensure recordkeeping and notes/minutes are disseminated within 3 days after each committee meeting
2) Send two (2) meeting reminders prior to the meeting, the first at least 7 days prior to the meeting
B. Coordinate and ensure committee members are providing weekly updates on project development via email.
C. Serve as a point of contact for WCBDI’s NYCNOWC and DAWI backbone staff in the retreat
D. Draft and revise retreat agenda through a consultative process with WCBDI backbone staff. Share the final agenda in advance of the WCBDI September meeting date.
E. Ensure that WCBDI members have the information and support they need to craft proposals and meet the deadlines and schedule outlined during the retreat.
F. Remain objective and guide members to have fruitful discussions and evaluate proposals based on shared interest. Support members to participate effectively in generating the coming year’s workplan for WCBDI.
G. Review and utilize templates and handouts provided by WCBDI. Create new templates and documents as needed.
H. Keep members engaged throughout the process, manage group dynamics, resolve conflicts, ensure that participants’ views, opinions, and backgrounds are respected, and ensure that the retreat is an inclusive space in which all members can participate fully.
V. Key Deliverables
A. Agendas and meeting minutes from at least four preparation meetings
B. Agenda and preparatory notes for the annual retreat
1. At least two drafts with comments notes
2. Final draft for members
C. Related retreat tools, templates, and other materials to compile information, record decision making process, votes, and other data needed post-retreat
VI. Other Requirements
A. Full-cost estimate for facilitation services, including the ability to respond to change requests to the scope of work
B. Resumes and related experience of all facilitators or team members
C. Brief statement acknowledging the proposer’s willingness to accept the attached WCBDI’s standard Consultant and Professional Services Agreement (Attachment A) as is, without modifications.
D. Contacts for two references
VII. Invoicing
The successful proposer, upon execution of an agreement with WCBDI and proof of key deliverables, may invoice WCBDI for a lump sum, evenly divided across the term of the contract no more than twice monthly. The successful proposer, upon execution of an agreement with WCBDI and proof of key deliverables, may invoice WCBDI for a sum at the beginning and completion of the contract. We may ask the proposer to invoice the two separate organizations based on the budget allocation two different amounts”.
VIII. Submission of Proposals
DUE: Thursday, August 25, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. EDT
Proposer shall prepare and submit one (1) electronic copy in PDF format to:
• Qiana Mickie,
• Tammy Shapiro,
Time is of the essence, and any proposal received after the announced time and date for submittal, whether by mail or otherwise will not be considered. However, nothing in this bid request precludes WCBDI from requesting additional information at any time during the proposal evaluation.
IX. Qualifications
The proposer should be able to demonstrate the ability to provide facilitation services which most effectively meets or exceeds the requirements set forth in this bid request. The proposer must also demonstrate in their proposal the qualifications of their company and references for past successes. Cultural competency/experience with facilitation in and around social movement spaces, with an explicit racial justice lens and sensitivity to multilingual spaces is needed. Conflict resolution/ meditation experience, cooperative industry knowledge and/or experience is strongly preferred. The successful proposer must demonstrate they have sufficient resources available to successfully complete the facilitation services according to the time frame required.
X. Review and Evaluation of Proposals
After proposals are received by WCBDI, the WCBDI selection committee shall review and evaluate all proposals for responsiveness to the bid request in order to determine whether the proposer possesses the qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required. WCBDI may also investigate qualifications of all proposers to whom the award is contemplated, and the WCBDI may request clarifications of proposals directly from one or more proposers.
An interview of one or more of the proposers may be scheduled to facilitate evaluation of each proposer. The proposal with the lowest price will not necessarily be selected; however, price is a component of the evaluation. WCBDI will select the proposal that is most advantageous to WCBDI. Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Qualifications (25%)
Can include any combination of experience, education, and past performance of the proposers and its agents, employees/contractors in facilitation services in an environment of similar size, scope, and complexity as that which WCDBI requires.
Cost (25%)
The reasonableness of the total proposal costs.
Capabilities of Providing Services (50%)
Proposer’s understanding of the work to be completed based upon the clarity of the proposal and responsiveness to this bid request. WCBDI will not assume that a proposer will perform services not specifically detailed in its submitted proposal.
XI. Right of WCBDI to Reject Proposals
WCBDI reserves the right to reject any or all proposals based on its sole discretion, or to waive any minor defects or irregularities in any proposal or in the proposal process, or to solicit new proposals on the same project or on a modified project which may include portions of the originally proposed project as in the best interest of the WCBDI.
XII. Award of Agreement
WCBDI reserves the right to negotiate the terms of the Agreement for this project with one or more proposers. Upon completion of the review/evaluation, the WCBDI shall notify those proposers who will be considered for further evaluation and negotiation. All proposers so notified shall negotiate in good faith in accordance with direction from WCBDI. Any delay caused by proposer’s failure to respond to direction from WCBDI may lead to rejection of the proposal.
If WCBDI determines, after further evaluation and negotiation, to award the Agreement, a Written Service Agreement shall be sent to the successful proposer for the proposer’s signature. No proposal shall be binding upon WCBDI until the Agreement is signed by duly authorized representatives of the selected proposer and WCBDI.
XIII. Cost of Preparation of Proposal
The WCBDI will not pay costs incurred by the proposer in the proposal preparation, printing or negotiation process. All such costs shall be borne by the proposer.
XIV. Notification of Withdrawal of Proposal
Proposals may be modified or withdrawn at any time prior to the date and time specified for proposal submission by an authorized representative of the proposal and by formal written notice. Proposals submitted will become the property of WCBDI after the proposal submission deadline.
XVI. Written Agreement
The selected proposer will be required to enter into a written agreement with the WCBDI under which the proposer will undertake the obligations described in this request. The written agreement shall be in the form of WCBDI’s standard Consultant and Professional Services Agreement (Attachment A), and shall not be modified except as it pertains to the scope of work to the written agreement (Attachment A) or compensation (Exhibit B).
XVII. Term of Agreement
The term of the written agreement shall commence on the date last signed by the successful proposer and WCBDI and shall continue in accordance with the agreed-upon project timeline described in the written agreement.
XVIII. Conflict of Interest
Proposers should disclose any past, ongoing or potential conflicts of interest which the proposer may have as a result of performing the work described in this bid request.
Please contact WCBDI Backbone Co-Coordinators if you have any questions and/or to schedule a site inspection.