For the past several months, NYCNoWC has been working in partnership with The Murphy Institute for Labor and Community Studies to expand our movement’s capacity for training.
Our goal is to create a pool of cooperative trainers that can be called upon, on demand, to provide cooperative training to interested individuals, businesses under conversion and union membership. The Murphy Institute staff will instruct on the philosophy and best practices of adult learning while we invite subject matter experts to instruct in the specific topics identified as needed for running excellent cooperative businesses.
We believe the best trainers will be experienced cooperators. Are you interested in applying to join this pool of trainers? Throughout May and June, we have organized a Train-the-Trainer series, and we will ask these newly minted trainers to co-facilitate two workshops over the summer. Individuals who go through this pilot period over the next two months will be eligible to be paid for training opportunities in the future. We are therefore asking for a commitment from several people to be part of this group over the next year and to be open to teaching and learning in the topics listed below. We have a few scholarships available to provide stipends to individuals for participating in the train the trainer program and all future training opportunities will be paid.
We are seeking people with coop experience, ideally bilingual, who can attend one or all of the trainings, and co-facilitate at least two workshops in July. Applicants can apply to trainings that interest them most, or the whole series. We also encourage folks to apply to be trainers in areas with which they have particular expertise. For example, we would love coop members of finance committees to become financial literacy trainers, and those on governance committees to learn how to train on governance.
In order to be paid through CUNY you will need to provide taxpayer identification # and a resume that demonstrates your experience and expertise in this area.
If interested, please fill out this short application by Friday, May 12th.
Training Schedule:
Cooperative Business Skills Network Schedule for Train the Trainer
Day 1 – May 24
9:30 – 11:30 Orientation to program and Principles of Adult Ed (Murphy Institute)
12 – 1 Lunch
1:00-4:00 Business Analysis (The Working World)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Day 2 – May 31
9:30 – 12:30 Business Model Canvas (The Working World)
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:00- 4:00 Financial Outlook (TWW)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Day 3 – June 14
9:30 – 12:00 Governance and Management (Center for Family Life)
12 – 1 Lunch Break
1:00-4:00 Facilitation and Democratic Decision Making (Center for Family Life)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Day 4 – June 21
9:30-3:3 0 A People’s Guide to Building a New Economy Pt. 1 (New Economy Project)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Day 5 – June 28
9:30-3:3 0 A People’s Guide to Building a New Economy Pt. 2 (New Economy Project)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Day 6 – June 29
9:30 – 12:00 Forming the Legal Entity (Urban Justice Center)
12 – 1 Lunch Break
1:00-4:00 Principles of Adult Ed -review (Murphy Institute)
4:00-5:00 Debrief
Training at May Day Space (where trainers and 1 or 2 selected new trainees will co-train)
In July (2 weekend days) – (date to be determined)
Governance and Management
Business Analysis
Business Model Canvas
Legal Entity
Training at Murphy Institute (where trainers and 1 or 2 selected new trainees will co-train)
In July (2 weekdays) – (date to be determined)
Facilitation and Decision Making
Financial Outlook
Building a New Economy
Regroup and evaluate:
August – a full weekday – (date to be determined)
If interested, please fill out the attached google form by next Friday, May 12th.