Launching Principle 6 Direct Service Program

NYC NOWC is proud to announce the launch of our direct service and technical assistance to the Worker Cooperatives in our network. Our yearly Principle 6 Direct Service Program, is one of the ways NYC Worker Cooperatives benefit directly from the city-funded initiative by receiving technical assistance and direct services provided by other worker cooperatives. By hiring worker cooperatives to provide essential services to other cooperatives, NYC NOWC hopes to foster “Cooperation among Cooperatives” as stated by Principle 6 of the International Cooperative Principles.

This year we will be launching our Bookkeeping and Web Support first, and later in the year, we will be providing Marketing, Printing, and Tutorials.

In order to make sure the greatest amount of Coop’s benefit, we ask your coop to select only the service you most need at this time.

Principle 6 Direct Service Request Form

Formulario para Solicitar Servicios Directos de Principio 6

Please complete the following form to request a direct service from NYC NOWC for your Cooperative.

Choose only one service

Por favor complete el siguiente formulario para solicitar un servicio directo para su cooperativa de parte de NYC NOWC.

Escoja solo un servicio.

Incluya el numero EIN de su negocio
Dirrección del Negocio (Numero, Calle, Apt/Suite)

Bookkeeping / Contabilidad - ABC Bookkeeping

4 hours of advanced consulting: troubleshoot program issues, reconcile discrepancies, bring financial statements to date / roadmap to tax-readiness.

4 horas Consultas Avanzadas: resolver problemas de programa,
reconciliar discrepancias, actualizar estados financieros / Consulta De Impuestos

Setup Package: Set up file (on GnuCash, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks desktop for Mac/PC or Xero), Configure chart of accounts, Beginning balances for balance sheet accounts, Set up bank feeds and credit cards 4 hours

4 horas Consultas Avanzadas: resolver problemas de programa,
reconciliar discrepancias, actualizar estados financieros / Consulta De Impuestos

Setup Package: Set up file (on GnuCash, QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks desktop for Mac/PC or Xero), Configure chart of accounts, Beginning balances for balance sheet accounts, Set up bank feeds and credit cards 4 hours

Paquete De Instalación: Configurar archivo (en GnuCash, QuickBooks
Online, QuickBooks desktop para Mac / PC o Xero), Configurar Catalogo de
cuentas, Saldos iniciales en las Cuentas de Balance, Configurar la
descarga de datos de los bancos y tarjetas de crédito 4 horas

Web Site / Pagina de Internet - Glocal

Setup new website for coop on hosting benefits for members

• Migrate content from WordPress to WordPress websites

• Configure server and DNS for coop member domain name

Configuración de nuevo sitio web para coop en beneficios de hosting para los miembros

• Migrar contenido de WordPress a sitios web de WordPress

•Configurar el servidor y DNS para el nombre de dominio de miembro de la cooperativa

Make improvements to an existing WordPress website

• Basic Web Design

• Configure new features

Para hacer mejoras a una pagina de WordPress existente

• Mejorar el diseño

•Configurar nuevas funciones

Printing | Impresion - Radix

Files | Archivos

Screen Printing | Impresión de Camisas - LUV Custom Prints

Files | Archivos

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