Have you ever said to yourself, damn, are we the only coop that has XYZ issue?
Have you thought, wow every coop I see and read about seems to be doing so amazing, why are we struggling so much?
Have you ever said to yourself “the trainings I go to are helpful, but I wish I could talk to other worker-owners directly and see how they dealt with the issue”?
Well, it turns out a lot of us have been asking ourselves the same thing! What? No way! Let’s talking about it.
Join others working in worker coops for dinner & discussion.
- Welcome & Intros
- What experience you can share, what you need support on
- Small/short skill share based on intros referencing the support needed most
- Discussion and sharing – could be in breakouts if there are different topics that folks want to discuss
- Debrief – was this helpful? Do we do it again? Who can host? Suggestions to format, etc..
The space has one and a half flights of stairs.
Let us know you’re coming here: https://goo.gl/forms/ID5BQXeedMjMzAwK2
Contact lauryl@bookkeeping.coop with any access questions.